
WSDC, ARC Building, Opp. S.G.T.B. Khalsa College



Research Projects Funds Duration Outcome
Gender & new middle class From UGC annual grant; IIAS; DU 2014-ongoing
  1. International seminar
  2. Published Book
  3. Used for teaching
Mall: A Gendered Space (2016) Rs. 1,80,000/-(Expenditure met out from DU and UGC Budget) 2016-17
  1. A Film based on the research project made
  2. report released on international W's Day, 8.3.17
  3. published research paper in international journal
  4. made presentations at international Workshop
  5. used for teaching purposes
Marriage, Autonomy and Engendered Violence: A study of North West India (2014) Rs. 2,55,000. 2010-2012
  1. Report released
  2. Made presentations at IIAS, Shimla & ICSSR seminar at Himachal university
  3. Used for teaching at refresher courses
  4. made presentations at international Workshop
  5. Used for teaching WSDC courses
Gender and Decision Making Power in the Public arena: a Comparative Study of India and Sri Lanka (2014) Rs. 2,50,000/-
( Funded by Indo-Sri-Lanka Foundation )
  1. Report submitted to Indo-Sri Lanka foundation
  2. Used for teaching.