
WSDC, ARC Building, Opp. S.G.T.B. Khalsa College


WSDC Forum

WSDC had been networking with women's movement and other organizations on various women's issues and intervening at different levels. WSDC had also been taking up various aspects of women's issues in general and those specific to the university community. Some of the recent activities were:

Women's Day (8th MARCH, 2017)

The Women's Studies and Development Centre, University of Delhi celebrated the International Women's Day on 8th March, 2017 in collaboration with Australian High Commission, New Delhi in the Auditorium of the Academic Research Centre, University of Delhi. Highlights of the events were: panel discussion for the day- 'Men as champions for the cause of women's equality'; Screening of the film based on the research project "Mall: A Gendered Space"; Release of the Report of the project and play performance entitled 'Ismat's Love Stories' by thePandies' Theatre Group

UGC-Sri Lanka Team Visit (28th January, 2016)

A three member team of the Gender Equity and Equality Standing Committee of the University Grants Commission, Sri Lanka visited the Women's Studies and Development Centre, University of Delhi on the 28th of January, 2016. The team comprised of Prof. Kumudu Wijewardene, Prof. Maithree Wickramasinghe and Prof. Camena Guneratne. The WSDC faculty and the team exchanged details of the history, activities and initiatives of their respective institutions. Professor Jaya S. Tyagi made a presentation on gender and religion in the Indian context for the team and the students of the academic courses of WSDC. Dr. Manjeet Bhatia, Associate Professor, WSDC, made a presentation on the Centre's history and contribution, detailing its varied courses, workshops, conferences, community outreach programmes and future projects. Dr. Ridhima Tewari, Assistant Professor, WSDC, thereafter, made a presentation giving details on the Indo-Sri Lanka research initiatives undertaken by the Centre. The presentations were followed by discussion between the UGC Sri Lanka team and WSDC faculty.

Street Play on Female Foeticide by Parindey Theatre Group entitled "Andhkar Se ULjale Ki Taraf" (28th January, 2016)

The Theatre Group Parindey staged a street play in the lawns of the Academic Research Centre January, 2016. The play titled "Andhkaar Se Ujale Ki Taraf", examined issues of female foeticide in India and societal prejudices affecting the girl child. The young theatre group engaged with everyday instances of gender discrimination, while envisioning prospects followed by interaction between the actors and audience/WSDC faculty.

Training programme with the employees of Delhi Metro Rail Co-operation – (2014)

A training module for Delhi Metro Rail employees on Gender Sensitisation was prepared by Dr Manjeet Bhatia and Dr Shelly Pandey. Dr. Pandey conducted the Gender Sensitisation training for the employees of Delhi Metro Rail Co-operation in the September 2014. This training was conducted along with Dr. Pamela Singla of Dept of Social Work. It included six sessions for the executive level employees of DMRC. The employees were made aware about insensitivities towards women in the society and the Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace Act 2013.

International Women's Day (8th March, 2013)

On the occasion of International Women's Day on 8th March 2013, Women's Studies and Development Centre organized a workshop for Delhi University student members of Anti-Sexual Harassment Committees. The aim of this workshop was to make students aware of various aspects of Ordinance XV- D, which is part of the policy on Sexual Harassment of the University of Delhi to create an environment free from gendered discriminations and sexual harassment. Director Prof. Madhu Vij gave a presentation on ordinance XV-D, which was followed by interactive session to solve various queries of students regarding the ordinance.

Celebration of international women's day (2012)

WSDC celebrated 'Jagriti'-International Women's Day from 13th to 15th March, 2012. It was inaugurated by Prof. I. Usha Rao, Proctor of University of Delhi. The celebration was marked by signature campaign and various other competition for the under graduate students.

Panel discussion on "Women and disability: issues of marriage and security" (2011)

WSDC organized a panel discussion on "women and disability: issues of marriage and security". The discussion brought out that different mechanisms are adopted for the marriage of women who are differently abled, like higher dowry, a groom from a lower status, less educated or with lower income. However perceptions on physically challenged men are different and they are able to marry in a normal manner.

Workshop on prevention of Sexual Violence (2009)

WSDC conducted a workshop with an aim of discussion on 'Developing Campus Based Anti-Violence programme' on 10th December 2009. Dr. Suraiya Baluch of Princeton University and Dr. Karen Singleton of Columbia University were the resource persons. The participants were sensitized about the problem of sexual harassment and sexual violence within universities and were informed about the measures that can be taken against these by different sections of the academic community.

Workshops on Domestic Violence

The centre actively participated in the framing and implementation of the Domestic Violence act along with the voluntary organizations like Action India and Lawyers Collective. WSDC followed it with two research projects on the issue of domestic violence in the following years.

Awareness Rising on Sexual Harassment ordinance (2008)

The Director and faculty members of WSDC participated in various gender sensitizing programs organized in Delhi University colleges and other institutions. A special lecture on gender issues was held in Guru Teg Bahadur Medical College for the young entrants.

Training Programmes for Delhi Police, North District, (2007)

WSDC organized three training programmes for police personnel. These focused on confidence building and stress management; gender discrimination and strategies to overcome challenges faced by women beat constables.

Training Programme with Adolescents and School Children

WSDC organized various programmes for school children to sensitize children them on gender issues. These programmes involved Drawing, Slogan and Essay Writing competition.

Training Programme

WSDC organized a community awareness programme in collaboration with the Non- Government-Organisation, Drishtikon. The objective of the programme was to sensitize the parents, especially fathers on 'Responsible Parenting'. The Programme was widely attended.

Street Plays (2006- 2007)

WSDC organized street plays on issues of gender and women. The Sagwari Group performed at Nilothi Village, on 29th May and at Welcome Colony, 2nd June. Pandies Group performed on 1st September at the South Campus of the University and at WSDC on 22nd January 2007. WSDC organised a street play on 8th March 2007 at Central Park, at Rajiv Chowk, as part of the celebration of International Women's Day.